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TUBE 21D 4.0 - 4.50mm
GIBSON® TECH tubes. There are still many drivers in the private, as well as in the professional sector, who prefer the use of a tube over the mousse. One of the reasons for this is that you can adjust the pressure ratios of the tire individually, depending on the surface and the track level. Thus, one is considerably more flexible than when using mousse.However, when using the tube, even with a high wall thickness, there is always a risk of getting a flat tire - for example, due to a nail.Competition tubes - for the professional and also for everyday useGIBSON® Tech tubes are manufactured exclusively for GIBSON® in Europe.GIBSON® Tech tubes are offered for the sizes commonly used in off-road racingGIBSON® Tech tubes are available in different wall thicknessesGIBSOPN® Tech tubes are extremely durable and have a long service lifeWith a wall thickness of 4 mm, this tube does not even mind a curb at high speeds

TUBE 19E 4.0 - 4.50mm
GIBSON® TECH tubes. There are still many drivers in the private, as well as in the professional sector, who prefer the use of a tube over the mousse. One of the reasons for this is that you can adjust the pressure ratios of the tire individually, depending on the surface and the track level. Thus, one is considerably more flexible than when using mousse.However, when using the tube, even with a high wall thickness, there is always a risk of getting a flat tire - for example, due to a nail.Competition tubes - for the professional and also for everyday useGIBSON® Tech tubes are manufactured exclusively for GIBSON® in Europe.GIBSON® Tech tubes are offered for the sizes commonly used in off-road racingGIBSON® Tech tubes are available in different wall thicknessesGIBSOPN® Tech tubes are extremely durable and have a long service lifeWith a wall thickness of 4 mm, this tube does not even mind a curb at high speeds

TUBE 19E 2.5 - 3.00mm
GIBSON® TECH tubes. There are still many drivers in the private, as well as in the professional sector, who prefer the use of a tube over the mousse. One of the reasons for this is that you can adjust the pressure ratios of the tire individually, depending on the surface and the track level. Thus, one is considerably more flexible than when using mousse.However, when using the tube, even with a high wall thickness, there is always a risk of getting a flat tire - for example, due to a nail.Competition tubes - for the professional and also for everyday useGIBSON® Tech tubes are manufactured exclusively for GIBSON® in Europe.GIBSON® Tech tubes are offered for the sizes commonly used in off-road racingGIBSON® Tech tubes are available in different wall thicknessesGIBSOPN® Tech tubes are extremely durable and have a long service lifeWith a wall thickness of 4 mm, this tube does not even mind a curb at high speeds

TUBE 19D 2.5 - 3.00mm
GIBSON® TECH tubes. There are still many drivers in the private, as well as in the professional sector, who prefer the use of a tube over the mousse. One of the reasons for this is that you can adjust the pressure ratios of the tire individually, depending on the surface and the track level. Thus, one is considerably more flexible than when using mousse.However, when using the tube, even with a high wall thickness, there is always a risk of getting a flat tire - for example, due to a nail.Competition tubes - for the professional and also for everyday useGIBSON® Tech tubes are manufactured exclusively for GIBSON® in Europe.GIBSON® Tech tubes are offered for the sizes commonly used in off-road racingGIBSON® Tech tubes are available in different wall thicknessesGIBSOPN® Tech tubes are extremely durable and have a long service lifeWith a wall thickness of 4 mm, this tube does not even mind a curb at high speeds

TUBE 18F 4.0 - 4.50mm
GIBSON® TECH tubes. There are still many drivers in the private, as well as in the professional sector, who prefer the use of a tube over the mousse. One of the reasons for this is that you can adjust the pressure ratios of the tire individually, depending on the surface and the track level. Thus, one is considerably more flexible than when using mousse.However, when using the tube, even with a high wall thickness, there is always a risk of getting a flat tire - for example, due to a nail.Competition tubes - for the professional and also for everyday useGIBSON® Tech tubes are manufactured exclusively for GIBSON® in Europe.GIBSON® Tech tubes are offered for the sizes commonly used in off-road racingGIBSON® Tech tubes are available in different wall thicknessesGIBSOPN® Tech tubes are extremely durable and have a long service lifeWith a wall thickness of 4 mm, this tube does not even mind a curb at high speeds

TUBE 18F 2.5 - 3.00mm
GIBSON® TECH tubes. There are still many drivers in the private, as well as in the professional sector, who prefer the use of a tube over the mousse. One of the reasons for this is that you can adjust the pressure ratios of the tire individually, depending on the surface and the track level. Thus, one is considerably more flexible than when using mousse.However, when using the tube, even with a high wall thickness, there is always a risk of getting a flat tire - for example, due to a nail.Competition tubes - for the professional and also for everyday useGIBSON® Tech tubes are manufactured exclusively for GIBSON® in Europe.GIBSON® Tech tubes are offered for the sizes commonly used in off-road racingGIBSON® Tech tubes are available in different wall thicknessesGIBSOPN® Tech tubes are extremely durable and have a long service lifeWith a wall thickness of 4 mm, this tube does not even mind a curb at high speeds

TUBE 10C 2.5 - 3.00mm
GIBSON® TECH tubes. There are still many drivers in the private, as well as in the professional sector, who prefer the use of a tube over the mousse. One of the reasons for this is that you can adjust the pressure ratios of the tire individually, depending on the surface and the track level. Thus, one is considerably more flexible than when using mousse.However, when using the tube, even with a high wall thickness, there is always a risk of getting a flat tire - for example, due to a nail.Competition tubes - for the professional and also for everyday useGIBSON® Tech tubes are manufactured exclusively for GIBSON® in Europe.GIBSON® Tech tubes are offered for the sizes commonly used in off-road racingGIBSON® Tech tubes are available in different wall thicknessesGIBSOPN® Tech tubes are extremely durable and have a long service lifeWith a wall thickness of 4 mm, this tube does not even mind a curb at high speeds

SCHLAUCH 19C 2,5 - 3.00mm
GIBSON® TECH Motocross-Schläuche.Es gibt noch viele Motocross-Fahrer im privaten, wie auch im professionellen Bereich, die den Einsatz eines Schlauchs gegenüber dem Mousse vorziehen. Das hat unter anderem den Grund, dass man die Druckverhältnisse des Reifens individuell, abhängig vom Untergrund und auf das Streckenniveau anpassen kann. Dadurch ist man erheblich flexibler als beim Einsatz von Mousse.• Wettbewerbsschläuche - für den Profi Motocross-Fahrer und auch den Alltagsgebrauch • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche werden exklusiv für GIBSON® in Europa hergestellt • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche werden für die im Offroadsport gängigen Größen angeboten • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche sind in unterschiedlichen Wandstärken erhältlich • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche sind extrem widerstandsfähig und zeichnen sich durch ihre Langlebigkeit aus

SCHLAUCH 16E 2,50 - 3.00mm
GIBSON® TECH Schläuche.Es gibt noch viele Fahrer im privaten, wie auch im professionellen Bereich, die den Einsatz eines Schlauchs gegenüber dem Mousse vorziehen. Das hat unter anderem den Grund, dass man die Druckverhältnisse des Reifens individuell, abhängig vom Untergrund und auf das Streckenniveau anpassen kann. Dadurch ist man erheblich flexibler als beim Einsatz von Motocross Mousse.• Wettbewerbsschläuche - für den Profi Motocross-Fahrer und auch den Alltagsgebrauch • GIBSON® Tech Offroad Schläuche werden exklusiv für GIBSON® in Europa hergestellt • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche werden für die im Offroadsport gängigen Größen angeboten • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche sind in unterschiedlichen Wandstärken erhältlich • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche sind extrem widerstandsfähig und zeichnen sich durch ihre Langlebigkeit aus

SCHLAUCH 14C 2,50 - 3.00mm
GIBSON® TECH Motorrad Schläuche. Der GibsonTyre Motorradschlauch ist ein äußerst zuverlässiges Zubehörteil für Motocross- und Enduro-Motorräder, insbesondere wenn es um anspruchsvolle und harte Strecken geht. Dieser speziell entwickelte Schlauch ist auf die extremen Bedingungen im Offroad-Bereich ausgelegt und bietet dabei eine hohe Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Durchstiche, Schnitte und andere Beschädigungen, die durch scharfe Steine, Wurzeln oder andere Hindernisse verursacht werden können. Jedoch besteht bei der Verwendung des Schlauchs, auch bei hoher Wandstärke, immer die Gefahr, dass man sich - zum Beispiel durch einen Nagel - einen Plattfuß einfährt, deswegen wird im Offroad-Sport häufig sogenannte "Motocross-Mouse" (auch als "Mousse" bezeichnet) eingesetzt. • Motocross Schläuche - für den Profi und auch den Alltagsgebrauch • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche werden exklusiv für GIBSON® in Europa hergestellt • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche werden für die im Offroadsport gängigen Größen angeboten • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche sind in unterschiedlichen Wandstärken erhältlich • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche sind extrem widerstandsfähig und zeichnen sich durch ihre Langlebigkeit aus

SCHLAUCH 12D 2,50 - 3.00mm
GIBSON® TECH Motorrad Schläuche.  Dank seiner robusten Konstruktion und der Verwendung hochwertiger Materialien zeichnet sich der Gibsontyre-Schlauch durch eine langlebige Haltbarkeit aus, selbst bei intensiven Offroad-Einsätzen. Mit einer verstärkten Wandstärke bietet er zusätzlichen Schutz gegen Plattfüße, was ihn ideal für den Einsatz auf felsigen, schlammigen oder unebenen Strecken macht, wo herkömmliche Schläuche oft versagen.• Wettbewerbsschläuche - für den Profi und auch den Alltagsgebrauch • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche werden exklusiv für GIBSON® in Europa hergestellt • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche werden für die im Offroadsport gängigen Größen angeboten • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche sind in unterschiedlichen Wandstärken erhältlich • GIBSON® Tech Schläuche sind extrem widerstandsfähig und zeichnen sich durch ihre Langlebigkeit aus
