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The reinforcing cross-links provide additional static support to the cleat between each other at its base. As a result, the cleats have less opportunity to move, which counteracts any potential breakage of the cleat. The energy acting on the studs, which is generated to the highest degree especially during braking and acceleration, is also absorbed by these webs and protects the stud base, so that even the so-called "flexing" of the stud is significantly minimized.

Gibson Tyre Tech Shop
Gibson Tyre Tech Shop

Gibson Tyre Tech Shop
Why is the use of Gibson Mousse more advisable than the use of a tube? The use of Mousse in the tire guarantees an absolutely puncture-proof ride. Flat tyres, leaks, torn valves and much more are a thing of the past. What makes the Gibson Mousse so special and distinguishes it so seriously from Mousse products of other manufacturers?
  • the Gibson Mousse is patented worldwide, as it is clearly different in surface and also in structure from most mousse products on the market
  • the surface of the Gibson Mousse has so-called constrictions.

These constrictions offer two major advantages over the products of other manufacturers:
  1. first, the constrictions absorb additional volume of the necessary mousse gel during assembly, resulting in more effective distribution of the gel and thus better dissipation of the heat generated. The Gibson Mousse guarantees a significantly longer shelf life due to the lower heat generation, of up to 10°C compared to conventional mousse products. The operating times of the Mousse are thereby clearly increased.
  2. on the other hand, the patented constrictions, due to the changed density of the mousse, increase the tire contact area. The result is improved adhesion, maximum grip and extreme steering precision, which significantly optimizes the driving characteristics.
The Gibson Mousse consists of an elastomer based on rubber with a honeycomb structure. This honeycomb structure is filled or enriched with oxygen and guarantees through this material structure the special density for the Gibson Mousse and thus the good damping properties.

  Gibson Tyre Tech Shop

The Gibson "Soft" Mousse is the softest variant and simulates a pressure of approx. 0.6 bar. The medium-hard mousse simulates a tire pressure of approx. 0.8 -0.9 bar in comparison with a conventional hose, and the Gibson Hard Mousse is the hard variant and corresponds to a pressure of approx. 1.2 bar. Of course, these are only guideline values, which can differ depending on the choice of tire, the density of the mousse and the operating temperature. Ultimately, these values are of course also dependent on the ambient temperature and the weight of the driver.

  Gibson Tyre Tech Shop

The service life of the Gibson Mousse is comparable to the durability of a tire. Depending on the intensity of the load and times of use, the tyre and also the mousse will wear accordingly. For example, high speeds in very warm outside temperatures can put more critical stress on the mousse. A soft mousse has a shorter service life than a hard mousse. To protect the mousse, the wheels should be relieved of load, so it is best to generally park the entire motorcycle on a center stand during downtimes.
As a general rule, durability can be extended by using sufficient assembly gel during assembly, which has a considerable positive effect on heat dissipation. Checking is important in any case: To be on the safe side, the mousse should be removed after each event, checked and reinserted with plenty of assembly gel.
Mousse makes sense in any case, because you are guaranteed flat-foot free everywhere through. Especially in enduro racing, the use of mousse is now essential for survival, because a flat tyre has already caused the one or other placement to burst. Mousse has also become widespread in enduro hiking and it is hard to imagine motocross sport without it. Nevertheless, opinions differ among riders. There are still sworn tube/tyre fans.
No, all mousse products available on the market are not approved for use on public roads. In addition to its use in motocross, mousse is also used intensively in enduro racing and is common practice there. Since the road stages at enduro events make up a rather small proportion of the route, the use of mousse is tolerated at the technical inspection. However, no mousse survives a TÜV test, because just like motocross tyres, it is marked with NHS, which means "Not for Highway Service" and is only approved up to a maximum speed of 80 km/h.
It is advisable, especially after the conversion from tube to mousse products, to first check the driving behavior for yourself. As a rule, a new tyre is fitted at the same time as the mousse. Depending on the ground conditions, you should first choose a somewhat calmer pace at the beginning of the ride. Since the mousse becomes somewhat softer due to the operating temperature that results from driving, the driving feel changes accordingly. However, a classic running-in is not absolutely necessary.  

The mousse bounces more slowly than an air-filled tube. This is due to the inertia of the material. Some riders report a rather unstable ride feeling in the beginning. This sensation usually only occurs during the acclimatization phase after switching directly from tubing to mousse. If one is the first day on Mousse on the road, however, this feeling turns off with time.
What a mousse does not tolerate at all, are maximum speeds, the rear wheel can swing strongly, the temperature of the mousse rises extremely and can act up to the destruction of the mousse.
So - do without high speeds in any case!
Basically, you can feel a change in the Mousse with changing outside temperatures. In cool to very cold weather, the Mousse becomes harder in any case. However, this changes again during driving, as the mousse warms up accordingly.
In warm weather, a mousse tends to be soft.
Due to its structure, the Gibson mousse can absorb different temperature fluctuations better, which minimizes the effects of the different temperatures accordingly.

As soon as the driving experience becomes extremely unstable and wobbly, you should check the mousse. If the tyre then also looks as if you have a flat tyre, you can usually assume that the clamping force of the mousse in the tyre is greatly reduced.
A safe continuation of the journey is then no longer guaranteed and the mousse must be replaced immediately.
The assembly of a Mousse is in any case different from the assembly of a conventional hose. Whereas with hose assembly you have the option of even driving the prepressure of the hose close to zero, it is only possible to reduce the existing volume of the mousse to a limited extent. Limited in this case means that I can minimally compress the mousse with pressure over my knees once it has been inserted into the tyre and the tyre has already been pulled over one rim flange. The installation instructions included with each Gibson Mousse illustrate how to install it. However, if there are any uncertainties, it is advisable to ask for assistance from a specialist dealer for initial installation.
To mount mousse with tyres, you need the same tools as those used to mount a tube with tyres. These are usually at least 3 large tire mounting levers and 2 tyre mounting aids, so-called "Bead Buddy". A special mounting tool makes the installation much easier. However, if the experience in changing a tyre is completely lacking, it is advisable in any case to first have such a mounting shown by a specialized dealer.

  Gibson Tyre Tech Shop

The Gibson Mousse Assembly Gel is mandatory when using the Mousse products.                                        
Primarily, this silicone-based gel is designed to affect the temperature of the mousse created by the rotation and friction of the mousse against the inside of the tire while riding - in other words, to cool the mousse.                                                                                         
Secondarily, this gel also serves as mounting support. The mousse must in no case be used only with talcum powder, as known from conventional tube mounting. The use of the gel is essential because the gel has a significant influence on the durability of the mousse and prevents damage to the mousse.
In any case. The tyre holder holds the tyre on the rim and prevents the tyre from "wandering" on the rim. Especially when using Mousse, the tyre holder becomes even more important. Since the valve hole in the rim is not used when using Mousse, you can also mount a second tyre holder depending on the cubic class. If you do not install a second tyre holder, you should make sure that you close the hole for the valve in the rim in any case dust-tight (with the rim tape, or a layer of "Gaffer Tape"), so that you exclude the penetration of dirt and foreign bodies over this opening and a leakage of the gel is prevented.

This can happen. In this case, take the complete wheel and, while spinning it, bounce it on the ground a few times. This procedure usually remedies the situation and moves the tire properly into its rim bed. If this has no effect, it is advisable to mount the wheel and drive a few meters, this will then push the tyre into position in any case.
During mounting, especially in the paddock, you must make sure that no mud, soil or any foreign matter gets between the mousse and the tyre. Such dirt acts like sandpaper and significantly reduces the life of the mousse.
Gibson Tyre Tech Shop

Gibson Tyre Tech Shop